Beginner Level Global

Live Chatter (OnlyFans)

If you have a knack for conversing in English, we want to hear from you! The best part? No phone calls involved – all interactions occur via online chat. We’re on the lookout for individuals from around the globe who can engage in simple conversations.

Your Role:

As a Live Chatter, you’ll step into the dynamic world of chat support. Your task: respond to inquiries, and provide assistance to creators on the OnlyFans platform. You’ll be entrusted with account access and guidelines to answer frequently asked questions. OnlyFans is a thriving platform for many creators, and they’re recruiting talent from all corners of the world to manage these roles. The compensation is attractive!

What You’ll Do:

  • Engage with customers through live chat.
  • Provide answers to customer queries, share sales links, and offer enticing discounts.

What We Offer:

  • No Fixed Term: Enjoy the flexibility of contract-free work.
  • Rate: $35 per hour.
  • Device-Friendly: Whether it’s a phone, tablet, or laptop, your device is your gateway to chat support.
  • Independence: Work autonomously while following provided instructions.
  • Flexible Availability: Commit to a minimum of 5 hours per week, or scale up to 40 hours based on your schedule.
  • Stable Connection: A reliable internet connection is vital.
  • Global Opportunity: This remote role welcomes candidates from around the world.

Join the Demand:

If you’re ready to start immediately, don’t miss this opportunity. Apply below and be a part of the thriving chat support community.